Friday, September 23, 2011

A Thief Without a Gun

In today's mortgage crisis, there are a lot of things happening that "Joe Sixpack" does not understand and more importantly is never in case,granted the real story. There are hundreds of thousands of mean folks that have lost their homes in the foreclosure crisis. Yet, there are a small ration of home owners that have been in case,granted with the real answers and are still living in their homes and Not manufacture Payments while the banks scramble to comply with the directives of the courts.

What is it about today's mortgage emergency that the lenders and some in our government Do Not want you to know? There is a man by the name of Joe Lentz living in Boca Raton, Florida that has not made a payment to the bank for almost four years. Wow! Do you think that this will hit the front pages of the newspapers much less get news coverage from the media? Naw, not in a million years. But, Joe is only following the court's order.

Book Thief

Now, pay attentiveness and you will learn something that those in Power are holding from you. Let's start with some basics so that you can get the picture. Did you know that the Federal retain is Not a part of the Us Government? Did you know that the Federal retain is a conspiratorially owned bank that plainly controls our entire monetary system? How is that so? Well, that is written in history and it would take an entire book to elucidate it. I don't have the space in this article. But, anytime the Congress approves spending another billion dollars, where do you think that we get that money from?

A Thief Without a Gun

We absolutely cannot use our gold as an asset to back our loans anymore. We were taken off of the gold proper a few years ago. So, what does that mean to you, the mean guy? Nothing you say. Read on. When the Government approves more funding for their projects, they go to the Federal retain law and they in turn plainly Print More Money. I know, hard to form that out. But, every time the Fed prints more money, they lower the value of what has already been printed and in circulation. So, in simple language, lets say that on Monday you have ,000 in the bank. Now the Federal retain prints more money and at the end of the day, because there is more money in the system, your ,000 might be worth only ,900.00.

You see, they plainly print more money that puts us into more debt and by lowering the value of our money, we have to pay our national debt with paper money that continues to decrease in value. The plain simple fact that our monetary law is controlled by investor families from other countries and a few chosen New York banks now opens the door to what might be our existing financial crisis. A celebrated quote by "Meyer Rothschild" in the 1800's "Permit me to control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws".

Go to your study and look up the Rothschild family of international banking, They would control the monetary law of countries, incite them into going to war with each other and the family would Supply the money for both sides. Wow, what a history lesson. Everything is documented.

Now, how does all of this involve you with today's mortgage problem? You have to understand that the banks are allowed to go to the Federal retain with assets and borrow (credit) for their other banking needs. So, if a bank took your asset (mortgage note) and used it as collateral to borrow money, then your mortgage note would now be owned by person else. That person else would be the bank or group of investors that purchased asset based securities.

Here is where Wall St got into the deal. Today you are reading about the bailout of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, IndyMac Bank, Lehman Brothers and many other big financial institutions. Why? Well, the upper class of bankers were creative. They took your mortgage note after they acquired thousands of other mortgage notes and created an asset based trust. Now the value of this trust appealed to world wide investors because their venture was secured and insured.

In other words, your personel mortgage note was now the asset of this trust. The actual note was "sliced and diced" as reported in a up-to-date Wall St. Article. The value was marketed to world wide investors, But, their venture was a book entry. That's right. It became identification by a numerical code assigned to the investor. Who would know their name? Would this allow illegal cash to surface by purchasing investments in Us real estate? That is what was happening. Now, because of the greed of the banks and their wanting to generate products that mirrored the primary Fha stock of 3% down, they came out with what is referred to as a portfolio product. Many folks bought homes on what is referred to as a "liars loan". You plainly stated your earnings and combined with your good credit, you were given an 80/20 blended mortgage. That is 80% of the mortgage was the first mortgage and a second mortgage for 20% was in case,granted by the same lender.

Now, as the real estate shop was increasing in value, many homeowners thought that they were fantastic real estate investors and took out a line of reputation on the new equity to pay bills or buy "big boy's Toys". Once these zero interest or adjustable rate mortgages started to adjust, many people could not make the payments that had increased. So, when your house payment went from ,500 to ,500 you fell behind. Once that happened, your reputation card rates went sky high because of those folks having a clause in your agreement that allowed that. So, here you are with an increase in your short term debt from 8% to 32%. Now, the cost of those "big boy Toys" coupled with the increase in the mortgage payment created financial disaster.

At first, no one cared. But once the snowball grew in size, everybody started pointing fingers. Who was to blame? That request might be answered in a consolidate of years. This caused the eroding of real estate values and today we have thousands of vacant homes with no buyers. New home builders cannot sell new homes as long as this inventory is not reduced. How can it get reduced, now that lending standards have been tightened up? But I want to get back to what happened to your mortgage note.

In today's foreclosure arena, many foreclosure lawsuits are filed whereby the lender(plaintiff) straight through it's attorneys petitions the court to accept a Lost Note Affidavit or found New Loan Documents. Because the mean family does not have legal representation and they are getting close to self denial, they plainly give up. They pack up the Kids, clothes and go to a rental. Houses are left empty and being foreclosed on when in fact in a lot of cases the Plaintiff does not own the note.

There are many cases, and most recently in Ohio, Federal Judge Boykin dismissed a estimate of foreclosure cases and instructed the attorneys representing the lenders to "come back to my courtroom with the primary mortgage note or a certified copy". They cannot do this. Why? Because they would be committing fraud on the court. Didn't they ask the court to accept a lost note affidavit? How can you lose something that you never had? The true owner of the mortgage note is now a group of hundreds or thousands of investors and they are only known as a book entry.

So, what did the big boys instruct their attorneys to do? Seek approval for a lost note affidavit and Do Not find the primary note. So, in conclusion plainly go to your search engine and type in lost note affidavits and get a lesson.

A Thief Without a Gun

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Glaucoma - The Sneak Thief of Sight

Glaucoma is a disease whereby the eye becomes compromised and the optic nerve becomes damaged. As the disease causes vision loss over an extended duration of time, sometimes with no authentically identifiable symptoms, it is often referred to, in a colloquial sense, as the 'sneak thief of sight'. However, glaucoma is a foremost cause of vision loss and even blindness worldwide, and while advances in medical medicine for vision ailments are forever progressing, no such elucidation is available to restore previous vision quality once the disease has damaged the optic area. However, if the presence of glaucoma in the eye is detected at the early stages of development, it is possible to impede the progression with medication, and if necessary, surgical procedures.

The disease is traditionally divided into two groups; open and accomplished angle glaucoma. The most common type is open angle glaucoma, being characterised by a fluid build up which causes intraocular pressure, foremost to damage to the optic nerve and impaired vision. The fluid build up is a supervene of the disease reducing the effectiveness of the eyes filtration area, known as the trabecular network, therefore the liquid that commonly forms in the front section of the eye cannot drain to the normal canals. For open angle glaucoma, reduced vision is commonly the first indication of illness experienced. As this type of the glaucoma progresses slowly, with no apparent warning signs, many individuals who compact it may sense severe vision loss before being diagnosed. This is why it is so foremost to have regular eye exams with grand professionals.

Book Thief

In comparison, accomplished angle glaucoma often appears right away - the effects are uncomfortable, sometimes agonising. However, as this type of glaucoma is characterised with painful symptoms, as a supervene of a rapid accumulation of liquid creating intraocular pressure, it serves as an early warning sign for many who seek the services of an sense optometrist, often before permanent damage occurs. If you are suffering from blurred vision, severe eye pain, headaches, the appearance of rainbows nearby Lights, nausea or vomiting, these are excellent signs of accomplished angle glaucoma and an appointment with an eye master should be made immediately.

Glaucoma - The Sneak Thief of Sight

Optometrists diagnose glaucoma by investigating the intraocular pressure with the eye, optic field tests and optic nerve head appearance. Agreeing to medical journals, the key to diagnosing glaucoma is to carefully scrutinize the optic nerve, even if the eye pressure is normal. Computer assisted field tests can highLight the extent of peripheral optic field loss, while at the same time, show if the medicine is slowing the process. The usual medical response to treating glaucoma is straight through the use of eye drops. Sometimes, however, laser surgery is required to sell out the intraocular pressure. Early detection will greatly affect the type of medicine that will be required.

It is recommend that people over the age of 40 should have their eyes examined for the symptoms of glaucoma every year. Additionally, those who smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of the disease are at a higher risk of contracting glaucoma and should have regular checks from an early age. Don't let the 'sneak thief of sight' take away your vision.

Glaucoma - The Sneak Thief of Sight

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Book Club Recommendation: Book recap of The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

Review: The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

Genre: literature, adventure, war, historical

Book Thief

I'll admit it. When I first picked it up, this was a book that I didn't de facto want to read. I scanned the blurb, saw it was set in World War Ii, and I glazed over. I'm just not a fan of war books. In increasing to this the author was only in his twenties, and perhaps for the sake of my Polish grandparents I felt sLightly indignant that man so young would hypothesize to write about one of the most tragedies we have ever known (in hindsight, an unreasonable position to take).

Book Club Recommendation: Book recap of The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

As it turns out, judging a book by its cover in this instance was one of the bigger mistakes I've made. It is far from being just a war book, and the only comment I can make on the author's age is that he is possessed of a talent beyond his years. This was the best book I read in 2010.

The Book Thief is narrated by Death. It is set in Nazi Germany and focuses on a young Liesel Meminger, her life, her precious, pilfered books, and the relationships she forms with her bring up parents, the boy next door, and a Jewish man who is given refuge in the basement of her home. The book describes what life was like for German civilians, in singular for Liesel's bring up father, a kind man who has already seen too much war and like many other Germans, does not believe in the road his country is taking.

The book is beautifully, exquisitely written. The language captured and held me as much as the story, and the poetic prose flows like a lifeline straight through a story littered with Death's descriptions of the sky and colours as it Watches, waits, and plucks life from the novel's mortals.

This book is so many things. Every person at book club took away something different, and de facto we quarreled about the ending, but the Power of the storytelling in The Book Thief is so compelling, so touching, so plainly and yet elegantly delivered that ten out of twelve of us gave it five stars. A few members struggled with the first concentrate of chapters, trying to come to terms with the descriptions of the narrator before it became obvious that it was Death speaking, but overall we de facto can't advise this book to other book clubs enough. It's something wonderful, and one of those stories that lingers in your head long after the book closes.

Book Club Recommendation: Book recap of The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Book Thief Gives Us Some astonishing Quotes From Death Himself

Written by Markus Zusak, The Book Thief takes place in Nazi Germany in 1939. The story narrated by Death and is centered on the life of a young girl named Liesel who begins an obsession of stealing books. I came across this book when a friend of mine recommended it to me. At first I struggled a Miniature bit with the writing style, but once I got over that I seriously could not put the book down.

I love historical fiction, especially when its about the Holocaust. It was such an ugly time in the history of the world, but there is so much for us to learn from it. It is also foremost to recognize those who fought for good, even when it was so hard to do. In this book you will find population like this. It is told about Germans, living in Germany, that were against the war and the evil that was going on.

Book Thief

"Death" is the narrator of the book, which is very interesting. The book is definitely unique and tells such a qualified story. I do not want to give away a lot of details about this one because I want you all to read it! It's not one of those happily-ever-after-life-is-all-roses-and-rainbows kind of books. You might want a box of tissues colse to while you are reading. But it is beautifully written and an predicted story to be told. I would propose this one for book clubs and whatever else that enjoys reading. I think it is very piquant that it is classified as a young adult book. I wouldn't have whatever younger than high school age read it.

The Book Thief Gives Us Some astonishing Quotes From Death Himself

Here are a few quotes from Death:

"A note from Death: I am haunted by Humans."

"He was the crazy one who had painted himself black and defeated the world. She was the book thief without the words."

"Here's a small fact, you're going to die."

"You want to know what I truly look like? I'll help you out. Find yourself a mirror while I continue."

The Book Thief Gives Us Some astonishing Quotes From Death Himself

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Lightning Thief Movie

The Lightning Thief is a movie adaptation of the book with the same name by Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson is the son of Poseidon and a mortal woman. He has spent his whole life up until this point not knowing the truth, but that suddenly changes.

When we meet Percy he is just a general high school kid going on a field trip. This trip is to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. While looking at an exhibit on Greek Mythology he is compelled to walk into a concluded room. All of a sudden fantastical creatures are attacking him and accusing him of stealing Zeus's Lightning bolt, the most grand weapon in the universe. Of course Percy has no idea of what they are talking about since he thinks that he is a general boy.

Book Thief

His best friend turns out to be a Satyr (mythical half goat, half man) and is his assigned protector. Together, they escape to a camp for half breeds. There Percy meets other half-gods and mythical creatures and begins training to come to be a hero. Hades arrives one night to tell Percy that he has captured Percy's mother and is holding her hostage for the Lightning Bolt. Percy decides to go on a quest to free his mother.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Lightning Thief Movie

The allinclusive story of this movie feels like a young adult version of Clash of the Titans. There are many similarities between the two movies. The main inequity being that Percy is the son of Poseidon and Perseus was the son of Zeus. The other positive inequity is that the Lightning Thief is set in modern times instead of ancient Greece.

The acting was a dinky best than most teen movies. The extra effects were all beautiful and accepted for each scene. I would say the yield capability was top notch which is surprising for these types of movies.

Overall, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief was a pleasant surprise. I was expecting a lot less than what I got when I Watched it. The fresh spin on Greek mythology was refreshing and very interesting. The movie has made me want to go read the books, which is high praise indeed. It's Geektime gives Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning an 8 on the d10 of mythology.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Lightning Thief Movie

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Friday, September 2, 2011

The Magic Thief and Personal Power

A good story involves challenge and conflict. It also investigates the amelioration of the inner resources of the main character. There are many children's books which do this straight through the use of fantasy, especially magic. While at the library I picked up the series called The Magic Thief by Sarah Prineas. I'm in the middle of the first book and am enjoying myself.

Symbols for Inner Power

Book Thief

Although I haven't terminated the book, I was struck by the symbolism of the locus magnicalicus. (Don't worry, I'm not giving anything away by talking about it. You can read about it on the flyleaf of the book.) The locus magnicalicus is a stone a magician uses to focus his or her Power. The main character, a youngster named Conn, has to find his if he is going to continue as the magicians apprentice.

The Magic Thief and Personal Power

Since I'm only on page 162, I don't know what is going to happen. I do see great symbolism in the locus magnicalicus. To be a success in life, every person needs to find his or her own locus magnicalicus. Each person needs to explore the source of his or her inner power. Yes, an personel can use a sticker for their compel and power, but the sticker plainly represents the gifts and talents within. The sticker is not the power.

What Is Within Can't Be Taken Away

Children struggle to find themselves. They live in a world where they have minuscule outward power. person is telling them what to do, how to do and when to do it. Unless they have parents who make time for them to build their creativity and personal power, they have to explore how to do it themselves.

In The Magic Thief Conn is an orphan. He has survived on the streets by his wits. True, what he did was not often legal, but he did keep himself fed and alive. He was very resourceful and had already learned a great deal about himself.

Children need to learn about their gifts, talents and inner strength. They need to be assisted in discovering that which they have within them to live life well. True, it helps tremendously to have a mentor, person who will show you how to navigate the difficulties of life. Hopefully the mentor is mom or dad. Ultimately, however, each person has to explore the power within him or herself.

Someone can steal books, computers and other material good. No one can steal what is within. Once a child learns what he or she can do and how to use it, that child will be able to deal with the difficulties that come with life. The Magic Thief teaches this in a deLightful manner.

The Magic Thief and Personal Power

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